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The framework-books

Our company produces the framework-books for the registration plate of different colors.
They are manufactured from initial material, universal for 90% of cars in the form of books, with hard snap, with fastening around the perimeter.
The degree of rigidity and flexibility are optimally balanced.

The framework is not a subject to breakage and doesn’t depend on the temperature fluctuation.
It is possible to print inscription, logo and advertising with the help of silk screen printing.

The size for advertising area: 25*518 mm.

The batch: 50 pcs in a box (overall dimensions 535х300х350mm)

The framework-book black
Vendor code: РК 010100
Min. lot: 500
The framework-book pink
Vendor code: РК 350100
Min. lot: 500
The framework-book cyan
Vendor code: РК 340100
Min. lot: 500
The framework-book white
Vendor code: РК 020100
Min. lot: 500
The framework-book yellow
Vendor code: РК 050100
Min. lot: 500
The framework-book pearl green
Vendor code: РК 110100
Min. lot: 500
The framework-book pearl red
Vendor code: РК 040100
Min. lot: 500
The framework-book pearl blue
Vendor code: РК 130100
Min. lot: 500
The framework-book black with sparcle
Vendor code: РК 070100
Min. lot: 500
The framework-book silver metal
Vendor code: РК 080100
Min. lot: 500

Our company produces the framework-books for the registration plate of different colors.
They are manufactured from initial material, universal for 90% of cars in the form of books, with hard snap, with fastening around the perimeter.
The degree of rigidity and flexibility are optimally balanced.

The framework is not a subject to breakage and doesn’t depend on the temperature fluctuation.
It is possible to print inscription, logo and advertising with the help of silk screen printing.

The size for advertising area:25*518 mm.

The batch: 50 pcs in a box (overall dimensions 535х300х350mm)